K9focus is a registered charity set up by Lynne and Nick Hall with the sole focus (excuse the pun) of rescuing unwanted and abandoned dogs. In setting up the rescue Lynne and Nick also want to increase public awareness of the plight of many dogs which are simply dumped in pounds and have seven days before they are killed.

We have recently built a new specialised kennels at the centre near Torrington so we are now able to help rehome more dogs who may need immediate assistance. We are also able to help with rehoming from direct from home. So if you’d like help to rehome your beloved pet without having to put them in a foster home before a new home is found we can assist with your search. Contact us for more information.

K9focus is run entirely by volunteers who give their valuable time freely and without whom many dogs would die. We are desperate for new volunteers and so if you love dogs, why not join us – we promise it is very rewarding. Whether you have 30 minutes a week or a few hours here and there, there is plenty to do that could help the rescue. Not sure how you can help? – well here are a few ideas and for even more visit our support us page:

  • Spread the word by distributing leaflets
  • Follow us on Facebook and share/like our posts
  • Help organise fundraising events
  • Transport, home checks and follow up visits
  • Photography – everyone loves to see the pictures of our rescue dogs!
  • Fostering
  • Spreading the word

As a famous organisation says – every little bit counts!